Release Version 0.5.1 Beta

  • Fixed an error where loading config files from previous versions would crash the application.
  • Added a RAM sensor for used memory.

53 Responses to “Release Version 0.5.1 Beta”

  1. YaronM says:

    You’re the best!!! many thanks!

  2. django says:


    there is a mismatch between your tool and others in frequency measurement.
    I have an AMD 64 X2 CPU. Your tool says Bus speed about 111 Mhz and CPUZ says 201 Mhz. The Multiplikator is the same. Processorspeed 889 Mhz vs. 1610 Mhz

    best regard
    sorry about my english

  3. Alexandr says:

    Kaspersky Internet Security 2012 РУГАЕТСЯ!!!!! и блокирует!!!!

    • Alexandr says:

      С сегодняшнего дня все хорошо. Программа лучшая в своем роде. Спасибо.

  4. Mike says:

    Nice job…I’ll make sure to kick a few bucks your way.

    Probable bug: the program periodically shows the GPU fan on my Radeon HD 6800 spinning at 16,200,000 RPM. Most of the other numbers reported are in range with what I’d expect.

    • Michael Möller says:

      Can you submit a report (File -> Submit Report…) when this problem occurs?

  5. radzix says:

    Could you add option File->Reset to right mouse click on gadget? We would very appreciate. Thank for all work!

  6. Mesikko says:

    Is there a possibility that Open Hardware Monitor would affect to unload/load mechanism that these modern energy saving hard drives have? I’m kinda in the beginning of my study, but so far it seems OHM somehow interrupts that unloading cycle, preventing drive to fall to idle state.

    Drive makes pretty much the same noise as it does while booting once in a minute. You know, that gets to mans nerves. When OHM is not loaded, it’s pretty much silent. Makes kinda think does it affect in similar manner than CrystalDiskInfo, that user techcurious talks of in the end of this discussion:

    Drive itself seems to be fine, just generating ridiculous amounts of load/unload smart values, 1000 in 3 days. I’ll see if it’s any less when HDM is not loaded. So far it is far more silent, no click noises once in a minute.

    • Michael Möller says:

      The Open Hardware Monitor reads the SMART values of hard drives every 30s. This can cause the drive to wake up if it has been sent to some kind of sleep state in the short time (30s) since the last SMART reading. If you hear a constant load/unload sound I would just turn off hard drive monitoring in the Open Hardware Monitor (uncheck File -> Hardware -> Hard Disk Drives).

  7. Tiki Thorsen says:

    Any possibility that in the future add the option to re-arrange the order of the sensors? As in move them up or down.

    Thanks for this awesome program! Keep up the great work!

  8. Tadas says:

    Is it possible to change default server IP ?

  9. John says:

    Thank you for your continued work!

  10. pathum says:

    thanks for adding ram
    but better if u cal add multi core support for i7 also….