Posted on July 4, 2010
- Improved the support for Nvidia GPUs by adding clock, load and fan sensors.
- Restored Linux support by fixing problems when running on Mono.
- Added support for mainboard sensors on Linux using lm-sensors.
- Added a dialog to submit a hardware report directly from the application.
- Added a menu entry to reset the sensor Min/Max values.
- Added support for more revisions of the W83627THF super I/O chip.
- Added more details to Nvidia GPU reports.
- Sensors can now be renamed additionally via context menu.
- Added more mainboard specific configurations for ASUS and Gigabyte mainboards.
- Added support for a second miniNG on the T-Balancer bigNG.
- Added menu entries to Hide/Show and Exit to the sensor system tray icons.
- Sensors displayed in the system tray will now replace the main icon.
- Corrected the CPU core voltage for the EVGA X58 SLI Classified mainboard.
- Fixed a bug in the T-Balancer device enumeration code.
- Fixed some bugs and improved the auto-startup.
- Fixed some problems with Fonts.
- The settings are now saved also in user log off or windows shut situations.
- Removed the limit column, as hardly any hardware provides these values.