Am I wrong, or is TRIGONE with his/theirs “Remote System Monitor” using open hardware monitor for their server application without mentioning this project? Isn’t this against the MPLicense?
He even copied the “Supported Hardware” part from this website without any changes. I think this is a case of Copyright infringement.
habe ein Asrock P67 Pro3 und vermisse den +12V Wert. Außerdem wird die Drehzahl des CPU Lüfters nich korrekt ausgelesen (schwankt zwischen ~1000UpM und 30.000UpM). Lüfter und Board kann ich ausschließen, nehme ich OHM aus dem Autostart und nutze ein anderes Tool bleibt dort der Wert realtiv stabil bei den ~1000UpM.
great software! Gonna try this one with my rig, im just wondering if you could make an installer for this software, since portable versions takes quite more time loading values than installed ones.. Thanks and keep up the good work!
One more thing, when your program minimized to tray and i copy some files on hard drive 2-5 minutes (movies) it’s take a long time to show main window from tray. I don’t know why, but this is annoying. Other programs are fine. Quickly show their main window. Please fix it.
Just discovered this program via a friend and I’m amazed how good it is. Very soon I’ll donate because I think you really deserve it.
However I have some bugs:
1.- Though my second HD 5850 is recognized, it doesn’t display its core and GRAM speed nor its temperatures when it’s not loaded.
2.- My Samsung 830 128 GB is reported to have a temperature of 73 ºC, which is 46 ºC above its real temp.
3.- It doesn’t display any temperature for my Kingston SVP200S390G (which is also my O.S. system disk)
Nevertheless, I think I’m in love with your program
1) I don’t really know how to do something about that, because that behavior comes from the display driver (actually the driver does not provide data in that situation). Of course I could try to keep the GPU slightly loaded all the time, but that’s not very good practice.
2, 3) Please submit a report (File -> Submit Report) and add that comment there once more. Samsung 830 is most likely not yet recognized as SSD. Does the Kingston SVP200S390G have a real temperature sensor (that actually changes with temperature, not just a const value)?
I have the 256 GB version of the Samsung 830 and Open Hardware Monitor shows me a reasonable temp. For me the temp label states: “Temperature Difference from 100”, so I think you should check on that again.
Dirk was right, I read wrong the temp tag for the Samsung SSD. My bad, sorry.
Curiously, when I try to send the report, it detects correctly my Kingston SSD temp, but still it’s not displayed in the GUI nor the widget, which is odd. And yes, the Kingston has an actual working temp sensor ;).
Hello, Really nice soft.
Absolutely great gadget! Memory and CPU usage would be nice to see in percents (on gadget).
Also would be nice to see RAM temp.
Некоторые недостатки:
1) через некоторое время сбрасываются настройки,
2) не показывает 12В и 5В (возможно несовместимость).
Am I wrong, or is TRIGONE with his/theirs “Remote System Monitor” using open hardware monitor for their server application without mentioning this project? Isn’t this against the MPLicense?
He even copied the “Supported Hardware” part from this website without any changes. I think this is a case of Copyright infringement.
habe ein Asrock P67 Pro3 und vermisse den +12V Wert. Außerdem wird die Drehzahl des CPU Lüfters nich korrekt ausgelesen (schwankt zwischen ~1000UpM und 30.000UpM). Lüfter und Board kann ich ausschließen, nehme ich OHM aus dem Autostart und nutze ein anderes Tool bleibt dort der Wert realtiv stabil bei den ~1000UpM.
great software! Gonna try this one with my rig, im just wondering if you could make an installer for this software, since portable versions takes quite more time loading values than installed ones.. Thanks and keep up the good work!
One more thing, when your program minimized to tray and i copy some files on hard drive 2-5 minutes (movies) it’s take a long time to show main window from tray. I don’t know why, but this is annoying. Other programs are fine. Quickly show their main window. Please fix it.
hi, can you add a monitoring program for northbridge temps in this software? Thanks!
This is Awesome. Thank You for this Apps.
Just discovered this program via a friend and I’m amazed how good it is. Very soon I’ll donate because I think you really deserve it.
However I have some bugs:
1.- Though my second HD 5850 is recognized, it doesn’t display its core and GRAM speed nor its temperatures when it’s not loaded.
2.- My Samsung 830 128 GB is reported to have a temperature of 73 ºC, which is 46 ºC above its real temp.
3.- It doesn’t display any temperature for my Kingston SVP200S390G (which is also my O.S. system disk)
Nevertheless, I think I’m in love with your program
1) I don’t really know how to do something about that, because that behavior comes from the display driver (actually the driver does not provide data in that situation). Of course I could try to keep the GPU slightly loaded all the time, but that’s not very good practice.
2, 3) Please submit a report (File -> Submit Report) and add that comment there once more. Samsung 830 is most likely not yet recognized as SSD. Does the Kingston SVP200S390G have a real temperature sensor (that actually changes with temperature, not just a const value)?
I have the 256 GB version of the Samsung 830 and Open Hardware Monitor shows me a reasonable temp. For me the temp label states: “Temperature Difference from 100”, so I think you should check on that again.
I registered.
Dirk was right, I read wrong the temp tag for the Samsung SSD. My bad, sorry.
Curiously, when I try to send the report, it detects correctly my Kingston SSD temp, but still it’s not displayed in the GUI nor the widget, which is odd. And yes, the Kingston has an actual working temp sensor ;).
Hello, Really nice soft.
Absolutely great gadget! Memory and CPU usage would be nice to see in percents (on gadget).
Also would be nice to see RAM temp.