- Added support for Intel Skylake, Kaby Lake and Airmont CPUs.
- Added support for Intel Xeon E5-26xx v4 and Xeon D-15xx CPUs.
- Added support for Intel Intel i5, i7 5xxC (14nm) CPUs.
- Added support for AMD family 15h model 30h APUs.
- Added support for ITE IT8620E and IT8628E super I/O chips.
- Added support for Nuvoton NCT6102D/NCT6106D super I/O chips.
- Added more Nvidia RAM sensors (free, used and total).
- Added more sensors for Samsung and Plextor SSDs.
- Replaced the ‘Temperature Difference From 100’ with a simple ‘Temperature’ sensor on hard drives.
- Fixed wrong Nvidia GPU clock min and plotting values.
- Fixed issues with Nuvoton NCT6791D super I/O chips after wake from S3 sleep state.
- Fixed incorrect OS version showing up in reports for Windows 10 and 8.1.
- Added customizable pen colors for the plot window.
- Improved the automatic plot pen color assignment strategy.
Release Version 0.8.0 Beta

Open Hardware Monitor is the best program to watch my system in a gadget . Please, please give us a complete support for Kaby Lake. I cant monitor CPU temps and clock anymore.
Realy, best program! I would pay for this!
Ups, Alpha is out! You are the best!
Just one problem, openhardwaremonitor shows wrong cpu-clocks. It shows 1300MHz, but it should be 4500MHz (100% load, Kaby Lake)
Well, this program shows my i7-7700k max temperature 69C, CPUID Hardware Monitor shows max 78C and SpeedFan shows max 50C. Which one I can trust?
There is a alpha version that fixes the wrong clock speeds on Kaby Lake.
Can you please make a update so we are able to control the cpu fan speed?
Other than that this is a amazing software!!!
Kaby Lake and Asus Z170 Deluxe not supported
Wonderful program! I am amazed how much it can do and it is undoubtedly the best open program available.
Only two lacks for my part; firstly that it doesn’t use the ISO 8601 format or “YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS” format. Also that there are no possibilities for SQL support, but this might would be more difficult to implement.
Please continue development! You are making an amazing program.
This is by far the best hardware monitor software. Don’t give up!