I believe this is open source, and it appears to be a c sharp project, how can I get the code? I wanted to add a feature where the software will email me and text my cell phone if a threshold is broken.
I tested that release it doens’t show my PC CPU temperature, no any errors, just nothing.
My PC CPU AMD Athlon 2400+
The same tried on different my PC with Xeon 4 CPU’s no any results too.
exelent job. best temp gadget on the web. from the moment i find it i always run it on desktop.Thank you for that sir.
PLEASE make option to change colours on the background of the gadget, blue is fine but ad others from windows 7 so it can match with different wallpapers ??? Ok?
Hi , just installed this Monitor on my new Assembly .
Could you please put on your front page that when using AMD crossfire cards that only one gpu temp is displayed on the gadget at first , untill one starts using a crosssfire application , i have just game tested it and that IS the case..
cheers , and thanks ,the gadget is really good looking at the moment 🙂
Please keep updating your EXCELLENT software! 🙂
Hi Michael,
I believe this is open source, and it appears to be a c sharp project, how can I get the code? I wanted to add a feature where the software will email me and text my cell phone if a threshold is broken.
I tested that release it doens’t show my PC CPU temperature, no any errors, just nothing.
My PC CPU AMD Athlon 2400+
The same tried on different my PC with Xeon 4 CPU’s no any results too.
I had problems with Speedfan so I ran to Google to get some answers.
And Im glad I found this.
Its perfect! Simple look and doesn’t have anything unnecessary in UI.
Can you adjust fan speeds with this? If yes, how?
Or if not, that feature would be nice to be added.
Thanks for your great job ! But, I’m writing regarding Issue 179, is it possible to add this option to “right mouse click” on gadget?
I like your software and want to know if there will be an update soon, please?
exelent job. best temp gadget on the web. from the moment i find it i always run it on desktop.Thank you for that sir.
PLEASE make option to change colours on the background of the gadget, blue is fine but ad others from windows 7 so it can match with different wallpapers ??? Ok?
really good program.. great job!!!!
Can you insert the option that the tick mark or check mark of devices (fan, cpu, hdd) permanent are checked?
OpenHardwareMonitor is a nice tool!
Hi , just installed this Monitor on my new Assembly .
Could you please put on your front page that when using AMD crossfire cards that only one gpu temp is displayed on the gadget at first , untill one starts using a crosssfire application , i have just game tested it and that IS the case..
cheers , and thanks ,the gadget is really good looking at the moment 🙂