Release Version 0.9.5

  • Added a check to the application startup to verify that the .NET Framework 4.5 or later is installed.

56 Responses to “Release Version 0.9.5”

  1. cpm says:

    It would be nice to have the cpu/HD temperatures displayed in the systray/taskbar.

  2. alexander says:

    Does not show stats on I5 10400

  3. Andrey says:

    Hi! Can you add ITE IT8782F chip?

  4. jeff says:

    hello, i am using a laptop with an intel 8570h processor. using coretemp, i noticed that running this app with gadget displayed on the desktop, the power usage of uncore stay at a 11 to 12 watts of usage. this is all at idle, on desktop. exiting the app makes it go down to .1++ watts which is normally the case. just giving a feedback on the app. hope this can be fixed or is this normal?

  5. FB says:

    Do you want to do com adaptation for DLL? It is convenient to develop other languages.

  6. Cody LePenske says:

    I love the gadget! If you take requests:

    Average clock speed across all cpu cores like you do with “CPU Total”

  7. atori says:

    esta muy facha la app

  8. Anonymous says:

    Give option to change window background color.

  9. Anonymous says:

    In windows 10 2004, it create constant cpu load about 10%

  10. Chris says:

    Hi, thanks for this great Tool, all working fine in Powershell except the Disk / RAM Values – anyone else has that problem? they simply dont return values it seems